Outcome Driven Outplacement





There is no easy way to let go of employees. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the offboarding tools to measure their transition into a new career with an outcome-driven and cost-saving program.

There is no easy way to let go of employees. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the tools to measure their transition into a new career with an outcome-driven and cost-saving program.

One of the buzzwords associated with good HR practices in the 21st century is “onboarding.” Simply put, platform-driven onboarding is a mechanism used by HR managers to ensure employees are getting the proper resources, training, tools and coaching they need to begin a successful career with as few headaches as possible.

The goal is that good will, good intensions and what you might call “corporate handholding,” will provide the company with a long-term employee who is loyal and successful. Among the many benefits of proper onboarding is that the employee will be a positive company ambassador outside of the workplace.

Why Off-boarding is as important as onboarding

But that’s only half the picture. Companies and their HR managers, perhaps due to mergers, cost cutting measures, restructuring, or other reasons, are also faced with “off-boarding.”

In today’s workplace, this is more than simply a lay off or downsizing exercise. It should be considered in the same light as onboarding, and should have with it the appropriate tools and resources available for the affected employee. Let’s explore why. From a business and ROI standpoint, maintaining a healthy brand is crucial to your business.

Employee off-boarding through modern outplacement services will demonstrate your commitment to current and former staff. As a company, you provide the tools employees need for success no matter what stage of their career they may be faced with. Also, by maintaining your image and offering solutions, you may in fact attract new talent to your business.

Show your an employer that cares about their employees

Whether displaced or otherwise, employees can feel if their employer has their backs. By providing outplacement services employers can encourage increased productivity and engagement since workers are aware of your lasting commitment to them.

By providing a sound employee off-boarding solution, you can potentially get people off of employment insurance faster and limit potential liabilities. Outplacement users have traditionally seen an increase in profitability, a reduction in layoff-related lawsuits, and a significant decrease in recruiting costs according to industry studies.

It remains clear that having the right outplacement services can boost profitability, reduce lawsuits and reduce costs. Additionally, outplacement can help maintain a healthy relationship with displaced employees at a time when their mindset is less than positive.

Support your employees through a career transition and see real ROI

The right solution shows you care about their well-being and future. As an HR manager, you want to encourage a smooth transition for yourself and your workers. A sound outplacement service with the right technology behind it will not only help you measure the success of your program but also put into place outcome-driven programs that are tailored to meet the unique career transition needs of each employee.

And that is good for everyone involved.

  • New developments in outplacement software gives businesses and HR teams tools and resources that match onboarding platforms.
  • An effective employee off-boarding strategy will help improve productivity, employee morale, and job security throughout your current staff.
  • Outplacement services will help minimize layoff risk, improve employer branding, and increase corporate social responsibility when executing an employee off-boarding program.

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